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Network Management

EventIX MapSync

Bridgeway Corporation

MapSync is an EventIX application which solves the following distributednetwork and systems management problems:areas of the enterprise network.vendors, with little or no compatibility between those systems.status changes dynamically.Map Sync results in a more efficient operation since:platforms.MapSync enables a company to implement the distributed network andsystems management the way it wants, also taking care of its LAN/WANnetwork configuration.This product extracts object information from the source managementplatform and exports them to the target systems.It keeps coordinates (x, y) for all map objects-- even for objects placedmanually. This ensures that the source and target maps look exactlyalike.All types of managed objects are aupported, including IP/SNMP objects andnon-IP objects either managed by proxy agents or non-SNMP applications.MapSync tracks the status of the network devices and updates the statusof the objects via TCP/IP protocols.It also provides backup capabilities. If a database is corrupted, theaffected platform can immediately recover with another platform's copy--including the last resources status.Under Release 1.0, MapSync supports synchronization of HP OpenView andNetView/6 systems. Support for additional managers such as SunNetManager(TM) is being integrated.

Language: C/UIL
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.1,2.2,2.3 Solaris x86 2.0

Bridgeway Corporation
PO Box 229
Redmond, WA 98073
Phone: (206) 881-4270
Fax: (206) 861-1774